Monday, March 28, 2022

Song of the Week -- Annapurna -- Om

It turns out that your body has slightly more bacteria cells than human cells, but your human cells weigh 230 times more. That's some heavy shit. You know what else is heavy? This song from OM. 

Coming out of the cosmic void at bone crunching, face melting pace (SLOW) this is probably the most underrated album of my life in that I never listened to it all the way through until today right now. And Annapurna, aptly named after a 26.5k mountain, is a 710 second bell ringer. 

Song here

For a particularly screeching rendition hear them play it live at their first show here

Credit to Ron Sender, Shai Fuchs, Ron Milo, and a probable army of grad students for updating that bacteria number

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