The Good Times Are Killing Me - Modest Mouse - Good News For People Who Love Bad News

After the March Madness posts thought it might be a nice idea to detox a little bit with good kind Modest Mouse. For me, this is the song that most represents the albums title, its a cheery simple summer song that is actually sad, and the news that is alluded to as good in the title is only good if you happen to love bad news. Its still good news, just as the times are still good, but you just have to love bad news, and the good times aren't actually good, they end up killing you. Even with this depressing message I still think its just a really happy song, mostly because it has a reflective feel to me. Almost as if hes saying, the good times are killing me, but I'll be alright. Thoughts aside about meaning, I love the singer and the album as a whole is one of my favorites.
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