I first heard DJ Rockwell about two years ago randomly on some internet radio station that "stumbleupon" had taken me to. I thought it sounded cool and wrote down a note to myself that said "Relax - Rockwell". Two months later I tried to find this song again, going only off of that note, not even remembering what it sounded. It was a four hour journey into the corners of the internet to find it but I was well rewarded with this song (which I have uploaded to youtube for ease of access). Since then I've tried to keep updated and follow his profile on soundcloud, and I've always been surprised by how much I've liked his stuff. Since that first listen hes gone more instrumental (his free album can be downloaded here), but still has a great mix of obscure samples (Like this one which has some sounds from the movie Brazil) and steady beats. Here are my favorites besides those already posted:
Feelin High
Knockin Doors Down
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