This album actually has two titles, the one mentioned above and "Methanphetamine Blues, Extras & Oddities". I think both give the listener a pretty good idea of whats in store when you listen to the album, that it can be powerful and eerie but also just weird and seemingly rough or shoddy. The track Methamphetamine Blues for example is rough, but that quality is not a mistake, instead it only adds to the filthy druggy tone of the song, while the track Clear Spot has a roughness that more sounds like an idea that never fully got realized. With that in mind I really think that this is a hit or miss album with a lot of hit or miss tracks. It hits so long as you don't think it has too much grit, and misses when you find it repetitive and sloppy. Personally I love that evil quality that Mark Lanegan can have (See Live Performance of Song For The Dead) but I know its also not for everybody and doesn't really sound "good". Still I find this album a cool change of pace with lots of weird sounds, and one powerful, smoky, creepy, voice backing it all up. Here's my pick of the album.
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