My Goodness is a bluesy rock Seattle two piece band, that does more than just sound like the Black Keys, and allow me to rant on this for a moment, just because the Black Keys are successful does not mean they own, or completely invented their sound, or that we should reduce bands that sound like them, to cheep knockoffs. That being said, although they're sounds are similar, I think My Goodness absolutely has a more violent aggressive attack to some of its songs. The first thing I thought of when I saw the music video for My Goodness's
I've got a Notion was the
Melvins. I'm not sure why, but I felt extremely validated when I saw that Big Business (shares members with the Melvins) was listed as an influence on their music. The second thought I had was of
Valient Thorr, who also played very hyper aggressive, bluesrock-ish (punk-ish?) music. Ultimately though, this band stands very well on its own and I look forward to getting its
debut self titled album soon.
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