Welcome to the new Double Header feature where you get two post's about two songs from one band in one day. The band for the inaugural posting is The Dawes, whose song "When My Time Comes" I was positive I had reviewed, but actually hadn't. The roots of this song is both musically and lyrically rooted in classic Americana. There is a distinct country-blues feel to the song, but with a rock feel and vocal harmonies that are reminiscent of Crosby Stills Nash and Young. Lyrically the song is just fantastic. Not only in its poetic content but also its smooth delivery. The whole song just sums up misguided youth. It talks about ignorant certainty that comes with inexperience in the world, and the consequences when you face these black and white truths you were taught.
So I pointed my fingers and shout a few quotes I knew
As if something that´s written should be taken as true
But every path I have taken and conclusion I drew
Would put truth back under the knife.
And now it seems like the unraveling has started too soon
Now I´m sleeping in hallways and I´m drinking perfume
And I´m speaking to mirrors and I´m howling at moons
While the worst and the worst that it gets.
Oh you can judge all the world on the sparkle that you think it lacks.
Yes you can stare into the abyss but it´s staring right back.
That final line of "Yes you can stare into the abyss but it's staring right back" is a classic. Overall I find the whole song just delightful. It has a lyrical structure that reminds me of Bob Dylan and a sincere playing style that makes me think of the most free spirited CSNY. Enjoy.
Song Here.
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